“In a little while you see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me. “- John 16:16.
The Illusion is an installation of L300cm by H100cm crafted in solid wood meticulously crafted to narrate the story of Jesus’s Last Supper with his disciples. The story is abstracted into a sculpture of 230 wood fragments intricately interwoven together in 1870 wood joints. The piece conceptualizes the idea of disappearance and appearance of Jesus after the Last Supper. The illusion of the 13 figures seen and unseen from various vantage points play with the a surreal and subtle interpretation of Jesus’s words to his disciples mentioned in the book of John. It tries to depicts the mystery and emotions in the last fleeting moments of Jesus’s death. While we see religious images as iconography or symbols of ardent faith, our take on the installation was to depict the humanness of a particular moment in time and to capture the eerie sense of sorrow and joy in the event every time you look at the installation. Thus it does not become just a symbol in space but a translation of time in space.
Each figure is crafted with a singular wood type and the central figure of Jesus is formed by three different wood types that show the form in detail compared to the disciples. The wooden blocks form colorful lines that merge into forms and disappear into illusions. Violet wood, acacia wood, teakwood and jack wood was sourced and meticulously cut into blocks that formed the body, thinner wooden strips ran through the whole composition uniting all the blocks together also symbolizing the commonality between each figure in the narrative.
Illusion can be custom made to your requirement. Do leave us a query if you would like to know more in detail.
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