Our story

The Essence

Small, established in 2020, serves as the design research, branding, and publication studio for ATOMOS ATELIER, a design firm founded in 2023. Our expertise spans architecture, interior design, and furniture and product creation. At the core of our creative process lies an instinctual approach—where intuition leads. We continuously explore, deconstruct, and refine ideas, working in an iterative cycle until we craft a solution uniquely tailored to each project. Every piece we produce is an intricate narrative, encapsulating the story of its creation.

Our research

The Substance

The essence of culture is deeply rooted in its locality. Wood, as a material, profoundly moves and inspires us—it embodies the spirit of Kerala's heritage. Through 'thachu-sasthram,' wood becomes a storyteller, echoing the region's rich history and craftsmanship, where remarkable skill was devoted to the creation of unassuming yet deeply meaningful objects, furniture, and architecture.

our spectrum

The Premise Of Scale

“Nor of the small is there a smallest, but always a smaller. All things have a portion of everything. Since there cannot be a smallest, nothing can be separated or come to be by itself.” Anaxagoras. Every whole is composed of parts, and each of these parts contains their own layers of depth. We relentlessly pursue meaning in the finest details—whether through color, materiality, or craftsmanship. Both Atomos and Small are a derivative of this idea of the parts.

Behind creativity

Meet our team

Minu Zacharia (Founder - Partner)
Jayaprakash VN (Founder- Partner)

Minu Zacharia and Jayaprakash VN, co-founders of ATOMOS ATELIER & SMALL, are architects who have ventured far beyond the traditional boundaries of their profession. Their journey began with collaborative efforts on architectural competitions and crafting bespoke furniture for friends, which organically evolved into the establishment of ATOMOS ATELIER & SMALL. Their practice has since expanded into diverse realms—spanning products, furniture, interiors, and architectural projects—all rooted in rich conceptual narratives. Their work is shaped by the dynamic interplay between rigorous research, experimental prototyping, and a profound reliance on intuition.

Maria George (Architect)
Maria Tessa Bobby (Architect)
Siri M (Architect)
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